Corporate Recruitment & Staffing
Kavin In-Home Care Services
Accelerate Your Search
Employing Talent Within Every Community
Veteran Support
Canada’s Veterans have served our country with bravery, honour and dignity – putting their lives at risk to protect our freedom at home and abroad.
Athlete Support
Athletic experience listed on a resume means that the candidate has gone through rigorous training and has faced immense challenges.
Indigenous Group Support
Committed in supporting and creating employment opportunities for Indigenous workers and believing in people's diverse skillsets, knowledge, cultural perspectives.
The need for skilled labour will only increase as labour shortages are poised to get worse due to an aging population and Canada will be unable to meet the current demand.
News & Updates
Kavin Group Announces Management Changes To Better Support Its Clients During The COVID-19 Crisis
The Kavin Group is announces management changes to improve its client support capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
KTMR proudly announces Certificate for Controlled Goods with the Canadian federal government
KTMR is very proud to announce that we have officially received our Certificate for Controlled Goods with the Canadian federal government.
Steve Vincic attends CANSEC 2019 and meets with Canadian defence industry leaders
Kavin Group Vice President Steve Vincic met with Defence Industry leaders at CANSEC 2019
Kavin Group: COVID-19 Update
An update from the Kavin Group in response to the Government of Ontario’s closing of at-risk workplaces.